Monday, November 21, 2011

A tale of two libraries

Yee-haw! We're officially welcoming two libraries to the Bibliomation fold this month. Warren Public Library went live on November 7 and Bridgeport Public Library returned to Bibliomation on the 14th.

These two libraries couldn't be more different, and it was great fun to spend their go live days with them. Warren is a small town in Northwestern Connecticut and Bridgeport is Connecticut's largest city. This was the first ILS for Warren, where almost every patron knew it was the library's big day.

Bridgeport is returning to Bibliomation -the library was one of the founding members of our consortium and actually housed Biblio's headquarters in our early days. Like the majority of our libraries, they migrated from Horizon. Equinox handled their data migration and we're pleased as punch with the results.

This Thanksgiving, we're giving thanks that we have two fine libraries joining our ranks. Have a joyous and safe holiday, US Evergreeners.

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