Friday, January 22, 2010

More on the Kid's Catalog

As regular readers know, we've been looking for ideas for a kid's catalog. We posted our original list a few weeks ago and since then, we've held a chat session with our members to brainstorm more ideas, including:

  • A title suggestion feature (in addition to spell-check)
  • Editable buttons that lead to searches or lists
  • Robust sorting
  • Moderated reviews that use screen names
  • An area for customizable text to promote upcoming events
  • Book suggestions/ Reading lists
  • Feed of Kid's Events

We're working with other consortia to develop a kid's catalog that includes all of the features we need (i.e. the features we currently have in Horizon) and as many of the features we want as possible. Keep the ideas coming!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meetup at ALA Midwinter - SC LENDS and Massachusetts

At ALA Midwinter next week, we plan to meet with some of the library directors of SC LENDS (South Carolina) and the three networks in Massachusetts (NOBLE, MVLC, and C/W MARS) with plans to move to Evergreen. It will be sometime on Saturday - either the morning or late afternoon (3:30ish). (We're still coordinating schedules at the moment.) There's a room at the convention center that ALA has set aside for these kinds of informal meetings. It's called the Networking Uncommons and it's located in Lobby B of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, near the entrance to the Exhibit Hall and ALA Store.

This will be our first chance to chat with the South Carolina folks and I'm looking forward to meeting them, to see how their Evergreen system is coming along, what kinds of enhancements they still need, and where we might be able to share in some of the development effort.

If you're interested in participating in or just sitting in on the conversation, drop me an email - terlagaATbiblioDOTorg.

Amy Terlaga
Assistant Director, User Services